Traditional vs Digital/Social Marketing Part III

As I was reading my daily news I ran into this website about the differences between traditional and social media marketing and I figured since I liked it and it is relevant to our recent class, I will share.

The picture below really summarizes it very nicely. The biggest take away I get from this article is that Social marketing is super fast, readily accessible, doesn’t really require a formal structure, doesn’t really need a  detailed planning and it’s truth. This goes to the fact that the market is driven by what consumers or customers want and not what the company really thinks what people should have. With social media you can ask your audience on what they think of new products or if they like the changes before the project takes off. That is really powerful in the fact that it will save the company millions of dollars.

It will let you know if there is a market for it in a different continent. Something that is not popular in North America might be essential in Asia. A company really does not need to spend lots of money to come up with a campaign or a research group and invest in traveling to different locations. With a simple touch of a button and few hours or days you will learn about your product and where is your market. In some cases it might even make the company’s job easier in terms of design. Some companies might struggle what should be the next big thing on a smart phone but if an idea is out there the company could potentially have an answer a lot sooner that investing months in the research lab.

Overall, social media has made the sharing and gathering of data super easy and reliable.


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